English Versus Western Riding Fully Explained
One of the most common questions when learning how to ride a horse is, what are the differences between Western and English riding? There are several styles of horseback riding, but these two are the most popular styles practiced in North America. Your choice will be based on your preferences, but you can always learn both styles if you are interested. But before you search on the internet about English style riding here, check out the differences between Western and English horse riding.
This word is for the horse’s accessories and equipment. Undoubtedly, the main difference between Western and English horseback riding equipment is the saddle. A bigger and heavier saddle is used in Western riding than in English. It’s specifically designed to give comfort to the cowboys of the Wild Wild West. This is also because the cowboys spend a long time in the fields, managing the cattle while riding a horse.
Western Saddle
Due to the shape and style of the Western saddle, the weight is distributed evenly on the back of the horse. This makes it easier for the rider to attach anchors, and haul equipment hooked to the saddle. The horn can be used to secure the cattle using a lasso. These saddles also have a deep seat, which helps the cowboys maintain their straight position on the animal.
English Saddle
On the other hand, the English saddle is smaller and lighter compared to the Western one. The English saddle that is very well-known today was mostly designed for hunting foxes in the eighteenth century. This is because the rider required a comfortable and secure ride, but it also didn’t affect the flexibility and the speed of the horse. Hunting a fox requires high speed, and jumping over ditches and fences. A heavy-weight saddle will not be good for the speed of the horse.
Horses also feel comfortable when they move if they have an English saddle on their back. This also provides closer contact and care with the horse.
For example, when the horse is about the jump the rider has to lean their body back and this is not easy when the horse has a bigger saddle. The English saddle has a low cantle, which allows the rider to make the jump easily and keep up with the chase.
Whether you are searching for English or Western-style horse riding, you will get different types of saddles. They are designed for several disciplines and are both available for Western and English riding.
Horses from the West section of America stay steady to travel the entire day, at a shorter speed, just to chase the stray cattle.
While English-style horses are leggy and taller. They have to jump over fences and ditches so, they need to be taller.
The most important thing in Western horse riding is the traditional hat. Comfortable jeans, shirt, and Western boots. Many western people like to wear sporty helmets.
English riders mostly wear traditional helmets or hunting caps. They pair it with a shirt, jacket, breeches or Jodhpurs, tall or Jodhpur boots.
THE DISCIPLINE: English vs. Western Riding
The moment you become an advanced horse rider, you need to look for disciplines. These are just sports that you can try out when riding a horse. It’s not required to maintain discipline while riding, but learning the same will improve the ability to ride and one can join competitions as well.
Here check out some disciplines in horseback riding:
Here are the English riding styles.
* DRESSAGE: this word is derived from the word rain’. Dressage is an event where the rider has to show a well-trained horse. Communication is the most important part here between the rider and the animal, as they have to work together to finish the test in the event. Not only do they have to complete the test series, but they also have to do it with grace.
* JUMPING: In this event, the horse has to jump over some obstacles. It can be different heights of fences. If the animal knocks the fence down while jumping, there will be no point.
* EVENTING: this is the main test, as it requires the flexibility and versatility of the rider and the horse. It’s a combination of various disciplines, mostly three, that has to be completed in one to three days. It includes jumping and cross-country. The participants will get the final score from each event.
For Western riding, the popular disciplines are
* ROPING: this is the cowboy event where the rider has to throw the lasso around a cow’s neck and immediately get off the horseback to restrain the animal. It’s a timed event, so the rider has to be fast to win.
* REINING: this is the Western version of dressage. But it’s more figure skating than ballet. In this event, the rider has to guide the horse through different patterns like stops, spins, turns, and circles.
* BARREL RACING: for this event, three barrels are set in a flower pattern, and the cowboy has to lead their horse around it at a good speed. If the rider and the horse are the fastest they will win the barrel racing event.
The label of gaits is different for Western and English riding. Normally, riding English, the horse must have a long flow of going, with different collections, cadence, and speeds. While, Western horses are supposed to travel smoothly, consistently, and have a low speed. Let’s look at the differences in gaits.
* WALK: look similar to Western and English style
* JOG OR TROT: This is a relaxing way of walking, but faster. The trot is useful for managing stray cattle, and the rider does not post. In English traditions, the jog is posted unless a sitting position is required in the event. This is one of the biggest differences between English and Western horse riders.
* LOPE OR CANTER: The Western canter is slow. English lope can be collected, extended, or elevated. It will depend on the speed of the specific style.
The riding method is another thing to mention for Western and English horseback riding. In the English method, the rider has to grab the reins with both hands, this helps them gain control of the animal’s speed and direction.
In the Western tradition, the cowboy has to grip the reins in one hand, and the other hand stays free. The rider can rest the other hand on their thigh or just leave it on the side. To gain control of the horse, Western riders use combination reins.
While these are the important differences between Western and English horse riding, there is no required style for it. You can choose any type of riding discipline, and there is no right or wrong way. As mentioned in this article before, that horse riding will be of your preference. You can just learn horse riding without any discipline.
The first thing you need to know when buying a saddle is the style you need. You can choose a Western or an English style, but the choice will not be very easy. If you enjoy riding along the trails then, you can have a Western trail or an English saddle. If you mostly ride around the trails, but you need to jump over the ditches and logs, an English saddle is best for you. But if you prefer just to walk along the trails, choose a Western one.
You can choose from various materials like leather, canvas, synthetics, wool, iron, aluminum, plastic, fiberglass, laminated, and beech wood. The quality of the saddle material will impact the performance of the rider.
* FIT:
You must have a good fit for the saddle. If the saddle doesn’t fit, the rider can fall and can have serious injuries. Also, to give the best performance you need the right fit. To check the size, you have to know the measurements of your legs and the gullet. A narrow gullet will pinch on the horse’s skin, and if it’s too big then it will cramp on the sides. So, you need to choose the right fit saddle always.
Saddles can cost from $500 to $1000. You will even find expensive saddles for much more. But you must set a budget. Decide the amount you want to spend after this and then go shopping.
Saddle costs can be affordable, and when you are first learning or starting to ride, you don’t need a new one. You can always consider staying within the budget and going for a used saddle. Just check if the saddle is well-maintained. You can get used saddles from a shop ( Shop used saddles, Click Here), some even sell refurbished goods.
However, before you buy the used saddle, you need to check the last time it was flocked. Do the measurements of the saddle. Also, keep in mind that vintage saddles aren’t always a good idea. Even if you buy a well-maintained one, it might break down at any moment.
If you are confused about Western and English-style horse riding, you can read through the details in this article. Also, you will get some tips on buying a horse saddle.